Saturday, February 11, 2012


The puzzle of image remains unsolved for me.

For years I have revelled in my individuality and displayed it openly.

As a scientist being strange was irrelevant. It was the skill for the work that everyone cared about and looked for.

But in big business there is this idea of a 'professional image'. People judge you based off appearances. How do you dress? How do you speak? Do you act in a way which they consider normal and 'proper'?

These attributes have no causative correlation with ability to do the job. And so judging me on them is not fair. It is, in fact, WRONG.

But I cannot control other people. I can only control me.

And I already decided to sacrifice image to get this job. I lost the blue hair, and I donned a suit so that a 'normal' firm would accept me as one of their own. And recently my boss had a chat to me about my "personal Internet brand".

I may need to start removing linkages between MoazaicIris and my real name. I don't want to... it goes against my beliefs about self expression. And I already set up a personal internet brand I'm rather proud of... I quite liked being the dark lord of CosSoc.

But it would be hypocritical of me to get all high and mighty about my Internet presence after I altered my real-world appearance for this job already. I may have to play the game.

Balance is the key. I must find ways to express myself that doesn't impinge on my career, or else my big business career may not be quite as long term as I planned. Many CosPlayers have separate identities for their hobby and I always laughed... but I need money, I need my career to progress, and since I can't control the opinions of others that means I must present myself as the kind of person they think is competent.

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